It's been a year I begin each morning with morning sun greeting complex "Surya Namaskara". Today I want to share with you 4 major changes with me, thanks to yoga) 1. I became more organized. With my free schedule is very convenient to wake up hours of 10 am and mooch around the House, when books and internets, performing household chores, flow smoothly for dinner, then preparations and jogging in the evening consultation. Convenient, but feeling that sin against self-realization, I haven't left.

The thing that you systematically repeated every day arranges the schedule, awakens the mind, invigorates the body. Mike able Amoeba then hard. But if I need to precisely State the Amoeba, I just slow it acted and made just 2-3 range. This allowed support system. Thus, for this year I wrote many times more articles and pictures than in the two previous ones, held
more consultations, read more challenging books and they were!)

2. I became skinnier. This is the result of several factors related to the complex

a) the complex is intended for improvement of dietary tract, metabolism. It is written in the book "Surya Namaskara" Indian author Swami Satyananda Saraswati. After completing this complex whole body burns is a great way to stay warm when heating yet or is no longer)

b) If you do a lot of laps-neslabaâ physical strain on the muscles of the abdomen, legs, arms and back-everything you need for harmony. We are not dumb as rocking and rape will strengthen muscles, and their accompanying attention, breath, organically integrating the structure of assan. Number of laps you can increase the comfort for themselves mode. Now I'm doing a maximum of 7, beginning with the 3, I know a guy who makes 21.

Yoga in the morning) what makes the body that bekončik for breakfast, and in principle unnecessary. I also noticed that yoga I have personally reduces anxiety and the desire to use food to non-food purposes ("seize" alarming) becomes smaller.

3. Healthy and flexible back. Since childhood I zataskana for manual therapists, curvature, displacement and pain were the norm for me justified heredity. But now my spine is one of those who got me into this life supports. And it is bent, and from this girl have some bonuses) I'm talking about that "flexible back-flexible mind")

4. Two seconds without thoughts. In short, after a year of lying in savasana and through different psychotherapies and practices I became capable of two breaths be only witness: keep track of thoughts and recognize them as thought. The same with bodily sensations and information from sensory organs. Not be that at the moment occupies my attention, while those who drew it. For a fraction of a second. And it gives something of my ability to manage care. Now I can give attention to yourself or another. This changes the communication and gives the feeling that I itself is valuable, because give myself high-quality attention. And it helps to sometimes Facebook off on time or close the book, or maintain complex thread of conversation, or not "fly" in the emotion customer and be in contact with him and with each other. Of course, this is only in its infancy, but I'm learning, because I see the value and results)

Here's what was filled with this year: attention, concentration, regularity, efficiency and flexibility.
And this is the first time I managed to do something systematic, disciplined and a whole year! Very happy!

Written by Анна

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