Why is it so important to apologize to a child? I work with adults and see every day how their lives affected by childhood. In this article, I did not intend to give advice on dealing with children. But if you're curious to know how your childhood "aukaetsâ" now, what tone your parental… Read more »
Today I would talk about specific plants, traumas and psychological development problems faced by girls, and which make women vulnerable in adult life. Installation: "Baba,". Found in milder versions, for example, the Pope uttered with a sigh: "Oh, women!". Even if this setting does not determine attitudes towards women, but sounds of significant people… Read more »
What is a grievance? Defending himself and manipulation As a child I didn't understand the saying, "The offended water carry". It seemed to me that the offended need to spare, and not to exploit. Many adults and now hold the same opinion, and therefore remain vodovozami. Resentment corrodes from within does not give calmly… Read more »
If I call themselves is interesting to them Oh, those night talks! How much you can change your mind and perečuvstvovat′ in these long hours! The result of one of these conversations and became this annotation. "Let them call themselves"-think we call friends, loved ones. "Let him fit"-we say to yourself after the conflict…. Read more »
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