Once upon a time I made from the book in. Reich one thought, which is really affected me: we are afraid of what actually really want, what is our strength, joy, that can become our purpose. Reich wrote about fear of orgasm, but it is spreading to other areas.
Learning bodinamike I learned and saw that in our culture often do not take human along with manifestations of his power, he was not taught to manage, it is taught from her surrender in Exchange for approval of adults. The bodinamike is basically saying to renounce force as a waiver of the ability to act independently, actively, satisfying their need, curiosity, defending its right to do so.
So, the inner critic, in my observation, often serves to we followed this vyučennomu since childhood, machinery-unconscious abandon their own powerful impulses.
As soon as the US emerges strongest creative impulse or impulse to cognition, to show his true interest or realize their abilities, we cringe as, in an effort to suppress it, as accustomed to suppress sexual desire or aggression. Because our body remembers that for such powerful pulses we received rejection.
And the inner critic helps our psyche to avoid this experience rejection, he begins to heavily criticize this momentum and prophesy failure, shame and disgrace. He protects us, because when something in our brain formed a strong pulse manifestation: link-rejection.
This chain does not always correspond to the truth, especially if the environment and external conditions have changed: in childhood sexuality exhibit was dangerous, and now-nice) Besides, now we have enough power to cope with rejection: us rejects the offender which we responded harshly, but we are self-sufficient, we don't care what someone finds us a bad girl/boy. However, the old mechanisms continue to operate, so the inner critic works inadequately.
What is I?
If your inner critic especially zealously is enabled on any specific topic if apathy, lack of confidence in your strength you learn at the thought of a specific activity, this could be a sign that this is where your "Goldmine!" because apathy and loss of taste for life-the telltale signs of a blocked impulse.
And now, the conclusion!
- Don't know what you want to do?
- Very many criticize yourself in a particular area?
- Something's causing envy or condemnation in other people?
Perhaps this inner critic is trying to take you away from your true inclinations, interests, needs, and maybe the case life.
In adolescence me most besili kids who went to art school and I really condemned psychologists. "Princessočki", i.e. feminine girls aroused me nausea.
Inner critic saying that I have no artistic talent, psychologists do not know my depths and be feminine-not on pacanski. Why is it said?
Yes because I am very interested to understand people, draw, and yet I love to dress up and am afraid of spiders!
Simply that the world in which I grew up, still not very aware, that such as I come in and can live normally. That you can respect their femininity and at the same time be safe that you can not become an alcoholic, being an artist, and that's just on the ground can be, if you have a strange profession-psychologist)
My inner critic coast me from what me brings pleasure right now and is my business.
And now from theory to practice:
A concrete way to find treasure in the footsteps of the inner critic
- Analyze on what topic you are cursing ourselves? Note stacked these themes.
- Ask yourself what value makes you be to itself such strict. Record the value in the second column
- Think about how you can implement this value and answer in the form of specific action record in the third column.
All critic played a role and has led you to action, through which you can realize his true impulses and values, and therefore ourselves!
I spend resource-centered interview via Skype and personally. Practice has shown that they allow pretty quickly and harmlessly found access to resources (power) of a person through the work with the internal critic. The result of this interview becomes a number of specific practical tasks that will get the strength to move on. Sign up by writing to me: [email protected]
P.s. This article inspired me psychologists top books of Julia Cameron and Yana Frank, the participants in my trainings "PRAVOPOLUŠARNOE painting" and "INNER CRITIC" http://annamonchik.ru/trainings/vnutrenniy-kritik/, as well as my practical work with Dina Lebedeva-thank you for everything in my life)
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