It is difficult to deny close assistance and psychological support. It is difficult to defend their financial or other interests. Sometimes we notice ourselves uvâzšimi in foreign relations or problems. Sometimes someone very much annoys us involvement in our lives. And then comes due.
If our borders are porous, there is no place for the accumulation of energy, we have no supports to achieve their goals and emotional harmony. Sometimes we distribute themselves without leaving a trace and we ourselves lack.
Come take a look.
Personal growth training for:
-those who can't say "no" and "stop"
-very responsible
-wanting to freedom
The peculiarity of this training in the use of body-oriented psychotherapy in that building skills of personal boundaries, we will develop through the body. Learn to feel the body manipulation, you work by using the body's protective reaction, learn to draw on the resources of the body to defend their and not get involved in someone else's.
In the program:
-What is a violation of the psychological borders
-How to defend their interests, and in doing so, no one hurt
-How to understand and feel that the borders of the body violated
-What is the difference between the borders and outside
-homogeneously resentment and anger
-manipulation of the feelings of guilt: identify and don't get caught on the hook
-be the Centre of their lives and the source of your opinion about you
Methods: body-oriented psychotherapy, bodininamika
price: 4500
prepaid: 2000 rubles.
Email me at [email protected] if you want to participate
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