My relations four years, three of which I have been doing psychological counselling for couples. I know firsthand that this crisis together. This is something that all couples, but not all have enough understanding of what exactly happens to them and how to find the exit.
Often crisis accompanied by quarrels, mutual resentment and disappointment in each other, which can be taken for the loss of love.
Meanwhile, there are generic mechanisms of formation of close relationships, with their patterns, stages and features. Knowledge of these mechanisms helps partners better understand yourself, hear the partner and find inspiration to build relationships, explore yourself and another to evolve, rather than stepping on the same rake to fatigue and divorce.
We will talk about this in the webinar. And there will be many more examples of my advisory practice, and you will have the opportunity to live the stories to understand how running a pattern, we'll talk.
A glance at the crises of one and three years of living together through the prism of systemic family therapy, helps you see new tired problem.
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