Mum's "Forgive Me!"
Why is it so important to apologize to a child? I work with adults and see every day how their lives affected by childhood. In this article, I did not intend to give advice on dealing with children. But if you're curious to know how your childhood "aukaetsâ" now, what tone your parental… Read more »
Inner critic and drawing pravopolušarnoe
Pravopolušarnoe drawing. The outcome of the A year and a half have passed since my first drawing right-brain training. Now I understand what allowed me to help different people start drawing. This is not a special exercises, Betty Edwards not discourse on hemispheres of the brain, no! I just told people what they very… Read more »
That reveš′ not nobody died!
How often do we see a crying person sympathetic people ask: "what happened?" and he answered: "nothing!" I'm not talking about the manipulation of the type: "nothing, but if you were to ask again, I maybe say". Today I want to talk about a situation where really NOTHING HAPPENED. Problem…. Read more »
What it feels like to be a woman? Captive children's installations
Today I would talk about specific plants, traumas and psychological development problems faced by girls, and which make women vulnerable in adult life. Installation: "Baba,". Found in milder versions, for example, the Pope uttered with a sigh: "Oh, women!". Even if this setting does not determine attitudes towards women, but sounds of significant people… Read more »
What is a grievance?
What is a grievance? Defending himself and manipulation As a child I didn't understand the saying, "The offended water carry". It seemed to me that the offended need to spare, and not to exploit. Many adults and now hold the same opinion, and therefore remain vodovozami. Resentment corrodes from within does not give calmly… Read more »
The language of feelings, confidence and productivity
From the practice. -What do you feel? -I think … A young man remembers the advice: "as a child I bother her mom with the same question:" but everything will be fine? "she answered first:" Yes ", and then got mad and said," stop bothering me. Somehow I still worried and that all… Read more »
Proud and lonely
If I call themselves is interesting to them Oh, those night talks! How much you can change your mind and perečuvstvovat′ in these long hours! The result of one of these conversations and became this annotation. "Let them call themselves"-think we call friends, loved ones. "Let him fit"-we say to yourself after the conflict…. Read more »
Pravopolušarnoe drawing
"I don't know, I CAN'T DRAW!" I say participants at the beginning of the day, and then, ošarašennye, they carry home what I want to show you. Pictures that people write on my training often surprise even me-so they are original and beautiful in its own way. I know how it happens, I know how… Read more »
Check Editor
Have you come across with the feeling that during intercourse man crushes on you, manipulate, and you're doing everything the way you want it, forgetting about their interests? I think, many stayed in such a situation. This is the most striking example of violation of personality psychological borders, on which I would like to talk… Read more »
Victorian letter writing guides. Mikhail Shishkin Lately, rarely let myself read fiction, many need to learn professional-useful and dry. But this is really a great pleasure-try words taste, feel the smell, see pictures, dissolved in the lines. Writer can afford the luxury of being just witnessed here is that elusive: aroma, thoughts, sleep, gesture… Read more »