People come to remake themselves almost completely, because they faced with some feelings that can not bear. Made a mistake at work. Collapsed for this shame so do not carry, that it is easier to hide from it behind thoughts. What? about what he butterfingers, ignorant and irresponsible. I thought it would change. He has… Read more »
Describe schema many quarrels in which one partner if "begging" the aggression of the second. One causes the real or imaginary damage other unintentionally, random misstep. Feels guilty. From the zashkalivajushhego guilt and unconscious desire to be punished, he makes involuntary their behavior demonstrative. For example, because the work began later gather at the concert… Read more »
There is another special mechanism of anger, inadequate situation-screwing on yourself. This argument when we go so far as to begin to get angry. And this disc can twist eternally! Sometimes we twist it out of habit, sometimes because the real cause of the anger cannot recognize, she sits deep inside and pushes at the… Read more »
Part 2 Anger happens when situational infringed your interests have been violated by the psychological border. It also occurs when we are prevented from doing what we have begun. These are two natural mechanism, they are all peoples of the world. Scientist Paul Ekman fact witness. In these two cases, the anger is adequate to… Read more »
Part 1 Anger is an emotion we inherited from our evolutionary ancestors. We cannot control the occurrence of anger. So all these stories about angry parents (children, husbands, friends, brothers and sisters) Sin-inflated moral requirements that cannot be matched. The discrepancy raises a sense of guilt, and a man in the sense of guilt is… Read more »
Today-about aerobatics psychological maturity: the responsibility for your own feelings. When we already learn to take it? Not insulting me, and I feel a grudge when you … Not you pričinâeš′ me pain, and I feel pain when you … Not you pridaeš′ my life meaning, and I'm looking for only you Not show… Read more »
Envy is often considered negative feeling and the fate of the losers. The absence of envy is credited with mature and harmonious personalities. I believe that is the envy of timid love to yourself. I though there are reasons of professional and personal experience. With envy in different areas of life I've experienced or now… Read more »
How often do we see a crying person sympathetic people ask: "what happened?" and he answered: "nothing!" I'm not talking about the manipulation of the type: "nothing, but if you were to ask again, I maybe say". Today I want to talk about a situation where really NOTHING HAPPENED. Problem…. Read more »
What is a grievance? Defending himself and manipulation As a child I didn't understand the saying, "The offended water carry". It seemed to me that the offended need to spare, and not to exploit. Many adults and now hold the same opinion, and therefore remain vodovozami. Resentment corrodes from within does not give calmly… Read more »
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