#навеяно_практикой Need for support. Many it ceased to be met in very early childhood, when the trees were tall, and the other was the granidioznym and omnipotent. What they feel in situations when in need of support? Correctly, small, weak and dependent. Therefore, the consultations to understand this need come through anger (need you hurt… Read more »
Imagine you are standing in front of the mirror, and see your reflection everywhere very clearly, but here's one piece of mirror zamutnen. And no matter how you kept circling in front of the mirror, this part of my reflection does not see. What feelings would arise? Irritation? "Foolish mirror cannot show me holistically!" anxiety?… Read more »
Needless to say a friend that his behavior hurt you? What if you're wrong, and take offense at this wrong? You have a right to your feelings, including discomfort from prying action. Recognize that it is Your discomfort may be associated with the actions of another, but no result. For example, a teacher at the… Read more »
Describe schema many quarrels in which one partner if "begging" the aggression of the second. One causes the real or imaginary damage other unintentionally, random misstep. Feels guilty. From the zashkalivajushhego guilt and unconscious desire to be punished, he makes involuntary their behavior demonstrative. For example, because the work began later gather at the concert… Read more »
There is another special mechanism of anger, inadequate situation-screwing on yourself. This argument when we go so far as to begin to get angry. And this disc can twist eternally! Sometimes we twist it out of habit, sometimes because the real cause of the anger cannot recognize, she sits deep inside and pushes at the… Read more »
Failure-a great tool to get rid of constant in its toxicity people. When you ask not to do more as hurt you, and the person cannot or does not want to deal with your request. Another failure helps in a heap of different cases: when people are uninteresting, but admit it to yourself don't want… Read more »
Today-about aerobatics psychological maturity: the responsibility for your own feelings. When we already learn to take it? Not insulting me, and I feel a grudge when you … Not you pričinâeš′ me pain, and I feel pain when you … Not you pridaeš′ my life meaning, and I'm looking for only you Not show… Read more »
The uninvited aides As someone who has to learn to honestly seek help, today I would like to express my gratitude to the "tactless" people. I mean people who feel bad and wrong personal boundaries. Because of this they often spill over to whom horrible intimate things, assuming the extra, give advice, behave impolitely, asking… Read more »
Respect is when we have not even thought of occurs, that person should be different, change our view. All of these: "be easy", "smile", "you when you get married?", "don't be such a …", "you too."-it's not all about the desire to help, it's all too often translates into words: "you're me now personally inconvenient… Read more »
"Stay away from those people who are trying to reduce your significance. So always arrive a little people. A really great inspire you the feeling that you, too, can become great " Mark Twain, writer Here there are such people: they pretty much all know very strictly refer to themselves, assess themselves… Read more »
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