To whom do we take negative emotions? Not someone who violates the boundaries, and someone who is willing to make this our barrage without negative consequences for us. With good, if on it, Liem realizing that he is not guilty. That before him, he would be better at this time tea drank or rare St.Petersberg… Read more »
My first independently read big book has become this. Yes, "The Hobbit". Now this is surprising myself: I have no important traits. Last year, at the premiere of the second part of the movie came from female Elves total look. When I was a teenager, roleviki-first Tolkien fandoms so razdol′no feel that gnom′em outfit can safely… Read more »
When you care about parents, it is important to distinguish between: -they don't really can take care of yourself and yourself believe that need your help. Or -so you depend on them emotionally, you're easier to take on the removal of any of their domestic and mental discomfort, only it is rather stopped and… Read more »
In the past year I have had meaningful date-5 years from the first client. At first I wanted to write tips yourself into the past: warn about errors, use straw, where necessary, to expedite the passage of some stages. Became to think about different situations and understood very clearly saw that everything happened on time… Read more »
We often think that think, and actually it's not thinking it's something interesting … That is considered a sign of mind? The ability to build a cause-and-effect relationships, plan lurking several moves ahead, to see other people's motives and anticipate their actions? Often our thoughts and busy. This is a very important skill and I… Read more »
Envy is often considered negative feeling and the fate of the losers. The absence of envy is credited with mature and harmonious personalities. I believe that is the envy of timid love to yourself. I though there are reasons of professional and personal experience. With envy in different areas of life I've experienced or now… Read more »
I pretty much know about my body. And you? If I had pain in my heart, I am offended by someone. The feeling in the heart of the sdavlennosti pass, if I understand with the offense. I know that if my right shoulder naprâglos′, then you need to move away from man because his behaviour… Read more »
How often do we see a crying person sympathetic people ask: "what happened?" and he answered: "nothing!" I'm not talking about the manipulation of the type: "nothing, but if you were to ask again, I maybe say". Today I want to talk about a situation where really NOTHING HAPPENED. Problem…. Read more »
What is a grievance? Defending himself and manipulation As a child I didn't understand the saying, "The offended water carry". It seemed to me that the offended need to spare, and not to exploit. Many adults and now hold the same opinion, and therefore remain vodovozami. Resentment corrodes from within does not give calmly… Read more »
From the practice. -What do you feel? -I think … A young man remembers the advice: "as a child I bother her mom with the same question:" but everything will be fine? "she answered first:" Yes ", and then got mad and said," stop bothering me. Somehow I still worried and that all… Read more »
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