Take the mother the right to dispose of your life There are human psychological development in this stage, when he learns to take decisions concerning his life, not listening to what people think on this topic his relatives. For example, you understand that you no longer want to run on the unloved work… Read more »
Why is it so important to apologize to a child? I work with adults and see every day how their lives affected by childhood. In this article, I did not intend to give advice on dealing with children. But if you're curious to know how your childhood "aukaetsâ" now, what tone your parental… Read more »
What is a grievance? Defending himself and manipulation As a child I didn't understand the saying, "The offended water carry". It seemed to me that the offended need to spare, and not to exploit. Many adults and now hold the same opinion, and therefore remain vodovozami. Resentment corrodes from within does not give calmly… Read more »
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