Disappointed and hurt in the short term unprofitable. The problem is that we become disenchanted in the other, we have to be disappointed and in itself: you're no longer the wife of the Decembrist, which follows the difficult plight of the husband and the girl, which connected their lives with psevdofilosofom and an alcoholic. You're… Read more »
In Bali I did not say that cultural, but sanitary-hygienic shock. Did not think that I have brezgliva, but here I want to sit in the House and not stick out. Mountains of garbage on the beaches, sea legs gently hug packages. Balinese people can lie on a Hill made of plastic and fish offal in… Read more »
We stopped in the South and by the sea-in the Lair of evil spirits. Here live the representatives of black and yellow lower castes. They do the heavy lifting and dirty work and saw your meal are fed evil spirits, so im on karma.) Hence the dirt, and tolerance to it. Man in white-the representative… Read more »
Me 55 years, I wake up in the middle of the night from the tension in the entire body, my hands the authoriites had a quilt, I want them to withhold something, to call someone for help, but already some … And here's me meets the solitude. Only now I can make out his features…. Read more »
Respect is when we have not even thought of occurs, that person should be different, change our view. All of these: "be easy", "smile", "you when you get married?", "don't be such a …", "you too."-it's not all about the desire to help, it's all too often translates into words: "you're me now personally inconvenient… Read more »
At the time of the trauma people as would be split into parts, one part freezes to not feel the pain at the moment of maximum experience, while the other continues to function and try to somehow adjust to life. And we live: like adults, but inside of us is the part which remains… Read more »
How often do we see a crying person sympathetic people ask: "what happened?" and he answered: "nothing!" I'm not talking about the manipulation of the type: "nothing, but if you were to ask again, I maybe say". Today I want to talk about a situation where really NOTHING HAPPENED. Problem…. Read more »
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