My first independently read big book has become this. Yes, "The Hobbit". Now this is surprising myself: I have no important traits. Last year, at the premiere of the second part of the movie came from female Elves total look. When I was a teenager, roleviki-first Tolkien fandoms so razdol′no feel that gnom′em outfit can safely… Read more »
The days when you had to be strong. Now you can ask for help, laugh and be mild, you can remove the body armor and mask the harshness from the face. You can not get angry and do not demand justice, you can simply ask about something, are no longer enemies. The war is over,… Read more »
In the past year I have had meaningful date-5 years from the first client. At first I wanted to write tips yourself into the past: warn about errors, use straw, where necessary, to expedite the passage of some stages. Became to think about different situations and understood very clearly saw that everything happened on time… Read more »
We often think that think, and actually it's not thinking it's something interesting … That is considered a sign of mind? The ability to build a cause-and-effect relationships, plan lurking several moves ahead, to see other people's motives and anticipate their actions? Often our thoughts and busy. This is a very important skill and I… Read more »
The past few months have raised quite acute in my life, and then in professional practice the theme of power. Advice I'm working a lot with men that lies in this plane. This is a difficult subject, lifting tons of anger, fear and shame, because she always appears together with the subject's own weakness…. Read more »
At the time of the trauma people as would be split into parts, one part freezes to not feel the pain at the moment of maximum experience, while the other continues to function and try to somehow adjust to life. And we live: like adults, but inside of us is the part which remains… Read more »
Often people experience unexplained anxiety or even the fear of ordinary at first glance things: to call someone on the phone, ask a favor, to go somewhere or do step in convergence with the other person. These fears often worth negative experience: ridiculed for request, rude treatment by phone, offended, dropped out. Every time… Read more »
Why is it so important to apologize to a child? I work with adults and see every day how their lives affected by childhood. In this article, I did not intend to give advice on dealing with children. But if you're curious to know how your childhood "aukaetsâ" now, what tone your parental… Read more »
If I call themselves is interesting to them Oh, those night talks! How much you can change your mind and perečuvstvovat′ in these long hours! The result of one of these conversations and became this annotation. "Let them call themselves"-think we call friends, loved ones. "Let him fit"-we say to yourself after the conflict…. Read more »
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