When the case is not a case where there is not enough motivation, when no strength or you come to a fork in the road and can't make a choice, a vorčlivoe creature inside you begins to scold you active. Many believe it, give up and just throw all unchecked. Meanwhile, the "thrashing" has always… Read more »
There are inside such internal character who forever shamed, criticizes and assures that nothing happens. Listening to him, we: afraid to start new, to request that we need self-belief, have low self-esteem and afraid to learn something, not to hear his ranâŝih comments. And wants to implement his plan in the works, build a career,… Read more »
"Stay away from those people who are trying to reduce your significance. So always arrive a little people. A really great inspire you the feeling that you, too, can become great " Mark Twain, writer Here there are such people: they pretty much all know very strictly refer to themselves, assess themselves… Read more »
Pravopolušarnoe drawing. The outcome of the A year and a half have passed since my first drawing right-brain training. Now I understand what allowed me to help different people start drawing. This is not a special exercises, Betty Edwards not discourse on hemispheres of the brain, no! I just told people what they very… Read more »
Warning: Declaration of PLL_Walker_List::walk($elements, $args = Array) should be compatible with Walker::walk($elements, $max_depth, ...$args) in /home/annamonc/domains/annanegreeva.ru/public_html/wp-content/plugins/polylang/include/walker-list.php on line 62