My first independently read big book has become this. Yes, "The Hobbit". Now this is surprising myself: I have no important traits. Last year, at the premiere of the second part of the movie came from female Elves total look. When I was a teenager, roleviki-first Tolkien fandoms so razdol′no feel that gnom′em outfit can safely… Read more »
When the case is not a case where there is not enough motivation, when no strength or you come to a fork in the road and can't make a choice, a vorčlivoe creature inside you begins to scold you active. Many believe it, give up and just throw all unchecked. Meanwhile, the "thrashing" has always… Read more »
Once upon a time I made from the book in. Reich one thought, which is really affected me: we are afraid of what actually really want, what is our strength, joy, that can become our purpose. Reich wrote about fear of orgasm, but it is spreading to other areas. Learning bodinamike I learned and saw… Read more »
There are inside such internal character who forever shamed, criticizes and assures that nothing happens. Listening to him, we: afraid to start new, to request that we need self-belief, have low self-esteem and afraid to learn something, not to hear his ranâŝih comments. And wants to implement his plan in the works, build a career,… Read more »
"Stay away from those people who are trying to reduce your significance. So always arrive a little people. A really great inspire you the feeling that you, too, can become great " Mark Twain, writer Here there are such people: they pretty much all know very strictly refer to themselves, assess themselves… Read more »
Pravopolušarnoe drawing. The outcome of the A year and a half have passed since my first drawing right-brain training. Now I understand what allowed me to help different people start drawing. This is not a special exercises, Betty Edwards not discourse on hemispheres of the brain, no! I just told people what they very… Read more »
"I don't know, I CAN'T DRAW!" I say participants at the beginning of the day, and then, ošarašennye, they carry home what I want to show you. Pictures that people write on my training often surprise even me-so they are original and beautiful in its own way. I know how it happens, I know how… Read more »
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