Why happy love important experience clashes with ideal and disappointment? Post promised continued) in General, well when this ideal is acting Dad for girls or mom for boys aged three years. Well, when parents have enough maturity to take the emerging sexuality of the child, but be firm that implement its child better in relationships with peers, when he grows up. Thus a parent refuses to be an object of first sexual love child and frustrating him. The child stops idealize parent, and all the people of his sex.

And yet he has no illusions about himself: he can't compete with his father for a mother or father with her mother, so in the future, it will not be inclined to create love triangles. The ability to see themselves and others without illusions solves a lot of problems.

If the father or mother in childhood nedolyubili themselves or there are doubts in self worth, then it is very difficult at this point doesn't reinforce the illusion of the child, binding it to yourself.

If frustration ideally not happened in childhood, it can happen in his youth.

And here we can also long drive each other's nose. We like to bask in the strange love, even if it's not love, but only to the ideal image, attributed to us. We try our best to look brave Princes and beautiful princesses!

People with sozavisimost′û or dependency very quickly realize that you need to do to appear perfect, and begin to play along, then disappointment to their partner does not occur for a long time.

Why are we so long prefer not to notice inconsistencies with ideal? Why so afraid of disappointments? About it tomorrow. The truth is the truth!)

Written by Анна

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