In experiencing the effects of psychological trauma is such a moment, which I myself call "elucidation of the relationship with God". This is when a person asks the question "why did this happen with me?". Replying to him, people choose most often one of the following options: 1) it's because I'm wrong (shame) and… Read more »
What is the footprint I leave on Earth? The simplest solution of existential issues I have looks like this: 1) will buy myself a nice easy flask 2) leave application for installation in my yard containers for plastic on KrasivyjPeterburg.) 3) share informative presentation about drinking water in plastic bottles to =
Me 55 years, I wake up in the middle of the night from the tension in the entire body, my hands the authoriites had a quilt, I want them to withhold something, to call someone for help, but already some … And here's me meets the solitude. Only now I can make out his features…. Read more »
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