We stopped in the South and by the sea-in the Lair of evil spirits. Here live the representatives of black and yellow lower castes. They do the heavy lifting and dirty work and saw your meal are fed evil spirits, so im on karma.) Hence the dirt, and tolerance to it. Man in white-the representative… Read more »
We often think that think, and actually it's not thinking it's something interesting … That is considered a sign of mind? The ability to build a cause-and-effect relationships, plan lurking several moves ahead, to see other people's motives and anticipate their actions? Often our thoughts and busy. This is a very important skill and I… Read more »
Me 55 years, I wake up in the middle of the night from the tension in the entire body, my hands the authoriites had a quilt, I want them to withhold something, to call someone for help, but already some … And here's me meets the solitude. Only now I can make out his features…. Read more »
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