With you everything is OK. You can be any. Yes, you obidčivaâ//boltlivaâ is an aloof/inaccurate/as kid/cranky. You don't need anyone to dissuade this price its comfort. Yes, you are. Look, the world has not collapsed. It is not important to anyone except your mom and even a couple of those who cannot choose a convenient… Read more »
My first independently read big book has become this. Yes, "The Hobbit". Now this is surprising myself: I have no important traits. Last year, at the premiere of the second part of the movie came from female Elves total look. When I was a teenager, roleviki-first Tolkien fandoms so razdol′no feel that gnom′em outfit can safely… Read more »
To me the advice written by a woman, creating a love triangle. At the appointed time, it's not. Just not all: even SMS is not sent, the handset does not charge. And it is not the first, I met with a dozen such people of triangles that anybody not warn: wife-that attitude no longer arrange, mistress-that… Read more »
The days when you had to be strong. Now you can ask for help, laugh and be mild, you can remove the body armor and mask the harshness from the face. You can not get angry and do not demand justice, you can simply ask about something, are no longer enemies. The war is over,… Read more »
In the past year I have had meaningful date-5 years from the first client. At first I wanted to write tips yourself into the past: warn about errors, use straw, where necessary, to expedite the passage of some stages. Became to think about different situations and understood very clearly saw that everything happened on time… Read more »
We often think that think, and actually it's not thinking it's something interesting … That is considered a sign of mind? The ability to build a cause-and-effect relationships, plan lurking several moves ahead, to see other people's motives and anticipate their actions? Often our thoughts and busy. This is a very important skill and I… Read more »
To me for advice often come people who don't know what they want. Most often, they see no problem with this, and that it is difficult for them to build relationships with others: they don't know what else to do to please men/women are still help his good-for-nothing guy/son/girlfriend/friend/mother. Just for years of training it… Read more »
When the case is not a case where there is not enough motivation, when no strength or you come to a fork in the road and can't make a choice, a vorčlivoe creature inside you begins to scold you active. Many believe it, give up and just throw all unchecked. Meanwhile, the "thrashing" has always… Read more »
It is difficult to deny close assistance and psychological support. It is difficult to defend their financial or other interests. Sometimes we notice ourselves uvâzšimi in foreign relations or problems. Sometimes someone very much annoys us involvement in our lives. And then comes due. If our borders are porous, there is no place for the… Read more »
I pretty much know about my body. And you? If I had pain in my heart, I am offended by someone. The feeling in the heart of the sdavlennosti pass, if I understand with the offense. I know that if my right shoulder naprâglos′, then you need to move away from man because his behaviour… Read more »
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