Kuala Lumpur-the champion of street food. Entire streets are filled samopal′nymi trucks with very different things, from sliced fruits and coconuts to seafood and baking. All antisanitarno and very tasty.

In the photo-food on skewers, the cost is determined by the color of the skewers. Yellow-2.5 local money, black for spenders-4)

We ate such aliens that look scary! Crab meat reminded me of my mom's fish cutlets) mom, Hi!

On such streets happen their tsunami epicenter become police cars, they slowly go down the street, allowing a wave of folding merchants who fall back once the police passes 2 meters. We tide and tide caught two.

Street is boiling, seething lit lights even at night. Indians, Malays, Koreans, Arabs, Chinese and Pakistanis sit families and friends on these streets for plastic desks or on Earth and everywhere you hear snatches of phrases in different languages


Written by Анна

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