Why happy love important experience clashes with ideal and disappointment? Post promised continued) in General, well when this ideal is acting Dad for girls or mom for boys aged three years. Well, when parents have enough maturity to take the emerging sexuality of the child, but be firm that implement its child better in relationships… Read more »
Disappointed and hurt in the short term unprofitable. The problem is that we become disenchanted in the other, we have to be disappointed and in itself: you're no longer the wife of the Decembrist, which follows the difficult plight of the husband and the girl, which connected their lives with psevdofilosofom and an alcoholic. You're… Read more »
The uninvited aides As someone who has to learn to honestly seek help, today I would like to express my gratitude to the "tactless" people. I mean people who feel bad and wrong personal boundaries. Because of this they often spill over to whom horrible intimate things, assuming the extra, give advice, behave impolitely, asking… Read more »
It is difficult to deny close assistance and psychological support. It is difficult to defend their financial or other interests. Sometimes we notice ourselves uvâzšimi in foreign relations or problems. Sometimes someone very much annoys us involvement in our lives. And then comes due. If our borders are porous, there is no place for the… Read more »
My relations four years, three of which I have been doing psychological counselling for couples. I know firsthand that this crisis together. This is something that all couples, but not all have enough understanding of what exactly happens to them and how to find the exit. Often crisis accompanied by quarrels, mutual resentment and… Read more »
Take the mother the right to dispose of your life There are human psychological development in this stage, when he learns to take decisions concerning his life, not listening to what people think on this topic his relatives. For example, you understand that you no longer want to run on the unloved work… Read more »
"Stay away from those people who are trying to reduce your significance. So always arrive a little people. A really great inspire you the feeling that you, too, can become great " Mark Twain, writer Here there are such people: they pretty much all know very strictly refer to themselves, assess themselves… Read more »
Why is it so important to apologize to a child? I work with adults and see every day how their lives affected by childhood. In this article, I did not intend to give advice on dealing with children. But if you're curious to know how your childhood "aukaetsâ" now, what tone your parental… Read more »
Today I would talk about specific plants, traumas and psychological development problems faced by girls, and which make women vulnerable in adult life. Installation: "Baba,". Found in milder versions, for example, the Pope uttered with a sigh: "Oh, women!". Even if this setting does not determine attitudes towards women, but sounds of significant people… Read more »
If I call themselves is interesting to them Oh, those night talks! How much you can change your mind and perečuvstvovat′ in these long hours! The result of one of these conversations and became this annotation. "Let them call themselves"-think we call friends, loved ones. "Let him fit"-we say to yourself after the conflict…. Read more »
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