Disappointed and hurt in the short term unprofitable. The problem is that we become disenchanted in the other, we have to be disappointed and in itself: you're no longer the wife of the Decembrist, which follows the difficult plight of the husband and the girl, which connected their lives with psevdofilosofom and an alcoholic. You're… Read more »
We often think that think, and actually it's not thinking it's something interesting … That is considered a sign of mind? The ability to build a cause-and-effect relationships, plan lurking several moves ahead, to see other people's motives and anticipate their actions? Often our thoughts and busy. This is a very important skill and I… Read more »
To me for advice often come people who don't know what they want. Most often, they see no problem with this, and that it is difficult for them to build relationships with others: they don't know what else to do to please men/women are still help his good-for-nothing guy/son/girlfriend/friend/mother. Just for years of training it… Read more »
My relations four years, three of which I have been doing psychological counselling for couples. I know firsthand that this crisis together. This is something that all couples, but not all have enough understanding of what exactly happens to them and how to find the exit. Often crisis accompanied by quarrels, mutual resentment and… Read more »
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