One rule that simplifies life


The sincerity of life much easier and makes me happier. can

make užimki and jumping, you can subtly manipulate and engage in a complex game, and can honestly say that you need and how you feel. You can deny or give what you need regardless of your choice. Why the se

cond profitable? Here is a question of values. And forces. If you vymatyvaeš′sâ at work or just tired, to be honest-this is for you. If you don't think the surrounding ' is also for you. If you want to live your life for real, with real and vibrant relationship is honesty and sincerity you provide.

Sincere easier be conflicts. Easi

er to say: "I want your attention than silently nadut′sâ, introducing what flowers and gifts you flunked another in its place. It's cheaper than then find fault with some details and arrange a beloved, in General, male scandal. Roaring with a swollen red face, and turn from a beautiful lover in petty they just disregarded her. Easier to say: "it hurts me when you say so, I feel it unnecessary to you" instead of "you got your quibbling, and then listen to a bunch of accusation, apologize for what is unknown and again take her from her mother. Be sincere to the conflict gives a better chance of being heard and resolve the problem quickly.

I know it is very difficult, and many will seem altogether unbearable emotional striptease. But we are talking about a conversation with the people you care about. If they cannot be present, what in this life is worth valuing? Sincere co

nveniently be with yourself. That

's sometimes rveš′sâ to something, you want to achieve, and it fails. Here you want to become a great writer, but it turns out something I will disable post in LiveJournal was broke, it handles with a no, that old laptop at a print. The same with morning home runs, a desire to learn English, become a musician, to quit. Ask yours

elf the question: "and now I really want?" and honestly answer it — here's what you need to ensure that the plans were realized. Perhaps we want to achieve something in the past that the present continue to push this inertia, without sincere desire. And perhaps someone else like this instead of us. It is not important. The important thing is not to lie to yourself. Then you will live without illusi

ons., you can think what you want to be a successful lawyer, upset, seeing that it is not, it turns out that sitting in a boring branch for a modest salary. And you can confess to yourself that your success in your career as a lawyer more need your mom, which law school you and sent. Then you see that you have a normal job that provides you and leaves time on what you really brings pleasure — family or WOW or cross-stitch embroidery or maintained and travel. When you're honest with yourself, you're doing what you like and not shy to get pleasure from it

. That's why honesty makes people happier.


Written by Анна

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