Disease-bottom, from which we start. And do it only if you scary. Then we can only grow: take responsibility, recognize the feelings, repressed desires.


Until then, we're playing a game: will obstinately and childish demand attention/relaxing/compassion/acceptance through an illness until she will recall the death of individually with terrible symptoms.


I cough scares, plunges to the bottom and becomes the basis for development and farewell with another child illusion. Someone allergic makes review life and someone and terrible and fatal diagnoses are few.


A game this bad, once there comes a point when the body of her coming out and ceases to obey-suffers from even when disadvantageous.
However, it seems to me that until a person reaches the bottom, the game continues, and the meaning of psychosomatic diseases remains unperceived.
It remains to wait for the bottom: fear for life gives people the strength to change. It is important not to dimension time and spend these forces on the awareness and change, rather than to continue to head in the same Dolby wall with new enthusiasm.

I watch blikuûŝuû ripples the surface of the water column, explore and dark pools, and of course go and work on the bottom, there's less stormy.

Written by Анна

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