Respect is when we have not even thought of occurs, that person should be different, change our view. All of these: "be easy", "smile", "you when you get married?", "don't be such a …", "you too."-it's not all about the desire to help, it's all too often translates into words: "you're me now personally inconvenient change quickly!"

The disrespect appears due to the absence or blur boundaries: we used to survive, going in one coherently operating clump, we get lost in the modern world, where everyone can survive individually and with other already rejoice, make friends, to work, to love, and does not survive.
In our society, it goes without saying that education and learning occurs through the continuing attempts to adjust something in person, making it convenient for our close klubočka surviving. We are used to, so come with us used to so conduct themselves with others.
We tend to stick to a hedgehog, then under the guise of well-intentioned advise him: "you are so aggressive, just that-immediately bristled! Whether it's easier! Learn to communicate! throw off your needles! And generally all normal people-dolphins, either Dolphin! "in this little respect and much of codependency.

Respect is:
- the belief that man is capable of taking decisions and cope with circumstances of his life,
- and you can't know that it will be better.
You may know that from his behavior/marital status/appearance, will be better for you, but recognize that your needs and not his is the first step to respect themselves and others.
I am very pleased that in time before me came. I'm still learning to respect the way a person manages his life and choose the correct distance, if his way of living causes me for some reason, the inconvenience. Yes, I am learning to respect the urchins and opt for this comfortable distance. I suspect that I have supporters in this process, spiky and not)

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