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Problem: Spend all the cleanup, no matter how much you earn

Illusion 1: You are unconsciously not here and now, and there and then, when Donashivali after the brother, listened to the scandals of parents because of money, ate potatoes and macaroni, and the excursion with the class did not go-expensive. Reality 1: If you didn't have a bike in your childhood, and now you have… Read more »

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Quality articles and "psychological content"-what's the difference?

Save time and honouring information hygiene. I have a slew of quality articles divided into several species. Popular science articles with descriptions of research, clarifying concepts and showing sources. Example: an anonymous survey participants American beauty contests showed almost a quarter of them are detected by an eating disorder. [Beauty is as beauty does: body… Read more »

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Need for support.

#навеяно_практикой Need for support. Many it ceased to be met in very early childhood, when the trees were tall, and the other was the granidioznym and omnipotent. What they feel in situations when in need of support? Correctly, small, weak and dependent. Therefore, the consultations to understand this need come through anger (need you hurt… Read more »

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The main condition for healing and growth

Grow from childhood injuries hurt. It hurts to accept refusal to meet with the fear of rejection, scared to ask embarrassing swear and fight, accept-as a sign of helplessness, letting go of hope as die meet condemnation-become a rag in the corner. Nobody makes just so. All this is possible only for the sake of… Read more »

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Give him a chance to fall in love with you

Once you give him a chance to fall in love with you. Not melteshi, not run, not forsiruj event. It is slightly confused: any new feeling in the stomach. He needs to spend some time with him, he has to accept it, he needs to make sure that it is HE HIMSELF. That is not… Read more »

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Find or what is wrong with your surroundings?

Imagine you are standing in front of the mirror, and see your reflection everywhere very clearly, but here's one piece of mirror zamutnen. And no matter how you kept circling in front of the mirror, this part of my reflection does not see. What feelings would arise? Irritation? "Foolish mirror cannot show me holistically!" anxiety?… Read more »

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Wine and provocation of aggression

Describe schema many quarrels in which one partner if "begging" the aggression of the second. One causes the real or imaginary damage other unintentionally, random misstep. Feels guilty. From the zashkalivajushhego guilt and unconscious desire to be punished, he makes involuntary their behavior demonstrative. For example, because the work began later gather at the concert… Read more »

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When parents are unhappy with

The internal confrontation with parents of adult children is exhausted. Even if they have long understood that their lives are responsible for themselves, make decisions without thinking about mom and dad. They do differently, but under the yoke of parental disapproval, spoken or shown constantly, they be still tough. This delayed attention to permanent condition… Read more »

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The aggression of the elderly

The elderly accuse offended accuse. Elders condemn, lecture, manipulated. Old people burn out anger and demonstrations of eerie nature. Old people just don't know what to do with anger and despair on what their body loses opportunities and health, that they are less aware society. Old people are mad at his old age and feebleness,… Read more »

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"He's such a vulnerable!"

Experience tells me that when someone from the spouses begins issuing a detailed analysis of the character of another, the case badly. Often this means that he needed serious justification for destructive behavior of a spouse. The "analyst" feels helpless and wants to somehow explain what other reasons he is obliged to give yourself bit… Read more »